Tenou’a team
Weaving threads of dialogue between religion, society, history, science and contemporary art, Tenou’a welcomes the work of intellectuals, public and academic figures, opinion leaders and talented, prominent artists within the Jewish community. As the only Jewish publication to open its pages to all religious and cultural sensibilities within Judaism, Tenou’a seeks to embody and encourage the intellectual and artistic pluralism of Judaism today.
Tenou’a works to give a voice to all those who wish to share their ideas and analyses out of a desire for respectful dialogue with other points of view and in service of a body of Jewish thought that is confident and without walls.
Each issue of Tenou’a presents around thirty works of contemporary art. We believe art can be a midrash just as much as a text can. Each piece is the work of a Jewish artist alive and working today. Tenou’a is in perpetual, constructive and nourishing dialogue with these artists and their gallerists. It is our wish to show the incredible vitality of Jewish artists in Israel and the Diaspora today.
Jewish creativity is the engine that drives Tenou’a, the fuel that sustains it, and the path it follows.
Originally a community publication of MJLF, Tenou’a has operated independently since 2013.
Editorial Director: Delphine Horvilleur
Editor in chief: Antoine Strobel-Dahan
Artistic Director: Élie Papiernik
Publishing Director: Francis Lentschner
Editorial Committee: Audrey Gordon, Stéphane Habib, David Isaac Haziza, Odélia Kammoun, Rachel Khan, Anna Klarsfeld, Richard Metzger, Audrey Msellati, Anne Pinto, Tania Rosilio, Brigitte Sion.
Administrative Director: Yael Hollenberg
Communications Director: Delphine Auffret
Graphic design: Centdegrés
Advertising and subscriptions: [email protected]