In the Jewish tradition, one recurring rite acts as leitmotif: the haircut.
4 min. de lecture
In the Jewish tradition, one recurring rite acts as leitmotif: the haircut.
4 min. de lecture
Sometimes costing several thousand dollars, wigs made from natural hair have angered some rabbis owing to how their raw material has been sourced:Hindu temples where the faithful are shaved in preparation for purification rituals.
4 min. de lecture
From Esau to Samson and Tamar, our tradition features several characters known for their hairy, unshorn, shaggy qualities. The Torah rarely offers physical descriptions, and calling attention to someone’s hair aims to show us something larger and more essential.
3 min. de lecture
It seems that halacha does not approve of men who remove their body hair. Yet here we can observe the halacha’s astonishing ability to adapt across generations and customs.
5 min. de lecture
Submissiveness, archaism, patriarchy, Tzniut, one-upmanship: an overview of the issue by a woman who wears a wig.
7 min. de lecture